Our Team


Donna Cohen, CPA

Donna has spent her accounting career in providing financial guidance to nonprofits. In the beginning, she was Senior Vice President/Controller of a national environmental education organization. She then established her firm, with the specific goal of serving the nonprofit sector. Her nonprofit background includes experience in general management, marketing, strategic planning, and fundraising as well as accounting and auditing. Hence, Donna offers a unique blend of experience to nonprofits, and a depth of understanding which results in high quality financial guidance.

“I realized early on that I needed to pick a vibrant industry to which I could devote my career. In choosing the nonprofit sector, I found challenge, opportunity for impact, and the satisfaction of contributing to causes doing good in our communities and improving the lives of others. I am grateful to work with agencies and people who share the desire to make the world a better place.”

— Donna Cohen


Tricia Anderson, CPA

Tricia has more than 25 years of experience working in accounting, tax and financial analysis. She has held various leadership roles in both for-profit and, as a consultant, not-for-profit organizations. Tricia holds an MBA from Golden Gate University. She first joined the firm in 1995 and then rejoined us in 2013. Her passion for all things accounting, and varied experience allow her to work collaboratively with organizations to meet the ever changing needs encountered in their financial equation. When Tricia isn’t playing with numbers she can be found climbing the nearest mountain or riding her bike on the roads of Marin.

“We are all touched by the nonprofit sector in some way. Whether we give our time, our talents, or our money, we can contribute, and in doing so, improve our world.”

— Tricia Anderson


Emily Tong, CPA

Emily joined us in September 2018, bringing 13 years of accounting experience. She has a B.A. degree from the University of California Davis. Emily has assumed increasing responsibility in the firm since she started and has become an expert with the accounting and tax software we use, as well as working with most of our clients, either independently or with Tricia Anderson. When not in the office, Emily enjoys volunteering with the Marin Humane Society, fostering animals in need.


Hannah Brinkman, CPA

Hannah recently joined us after spending three years as a Senior Auditor for a CPA firm with a significant nonprofit client base. She has a B.A. Degree in Economics and a Master’s in Accounting from the University of California Davis. She also has a professional background in I.T., which is a welcome contribution to our collective staff expertise!

“Donna and her staff are extremely clear and open communicators who have always made themselves available to us - including during times when our agency lacked internal financial/accounting expertise. During periods of internal transition, Donna and her team have been incredibly supportive every step of the way, making sure that our monthly accounts were prepared not only in a timely fashion, but always to the highest of standards. The stability offered by Donna and her team over the years has proven invaluable.”

— Lana Nieves, Executive Director
The Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco